
Innovation box

The Innovation box is a special box within the corporate income tax (vennootschapsbelasting). In this box you only pay 9% tax instead of the regular tariff of 19% - 25.8%. To be elegible your company needs to have a "S&O-verklaring", which is part of a granted WBSO application.

Companies that do research and development in the Netherlands can qualify for Innovation box.  

What are the conditions for the Innovation box?

When you got WBSO and have a "S&O-verklaring" you can access the Innovation box. When your are considered a large tax payer* you also need:

  • a patent (or having applied for one)
  • a plant variety right (or having applied for one)
  • development of new organic crop protection
  • software
  • a licence to market drugs
  • a registered utility model protecting innovation
  • an additional certificate of protection issued by the Octrooicentrum Nederland

Profits that can be attributed to WBSO projects can be taxed to 9% instead of the regular tariff of 19% - 25.8%. No WBSO yet? We glady scan the possibilities for your company!

Monday, December 2, 2024
Wednesday, December 31, 2025
Free for IT/Tech companies

Flat rate Innovation box

One can choose to apply the flat rate for Innovation box. The flat rate is 25% of the profit. Disadvantage of the flat rate is the maximum of € 25,000, an advantage is that you do not have to confer with Belastingdienst about the percentage of the profit that can be attirbuted to Innovation box.

If you want to know the best choice for your company, flat rate or ruling, consult us!

How to optimize the profits of the Innovation box

Successful implementation of Innovation box is specialists' work, a specialist who can address questions like what exactly is your immaterial asset, how much that attributes to your profit (transfer pricing), the consequences of outsourcing R&D, sourcing knowledge (licences), what are the construction costs to get at the immaterial asset and what is a good deal for a ruling with Belastingdienst? Vectrix has the appropriate knowledge and our consultants gladly assist you.

What can Vectrix do for me?

Vectrix arranges a ruling for your company with the Belastingdienst. We assure a thorough substantiation and conclude a benificial agreement. We have over 20 years experience with WBSO and Innovation box. We serve hundreds of WBSO applications and tens of Innovation box rulings a year. You can contract us on basis of no cure, no pay.

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