MIT subsidy
MIT is the abbreviation of "mkb-innovatiestimulering Regio en Topsectoren", facility to stimulate innovation for region and topsectors. The purpose of the MIT facility is to stimulate innovation in small and medium sized enterprises to strengthen the competitiveness and economy of the Netherlands.
MIT consists of an number of subsidy instuments, like MIT Haalbaarheid (feasibility), MIT Kennisvoucher (knowledge voucher) en MIT R&D-samenwerking (R&D cooperation).
The MIT facility is an element of the Dutch Topsectorenbeleid: the topsector policy. Topsectors are knowledge intensive, export oriented and contribute to the solution of worldwide social issues. The topsectors are: Agri & Food, Chemistry & Energy, Creative Industry, Hightech Systems & Materials and ICT, Life Science & Health, Logistics, Agriculture & Reproductive materials and Water.
MIT instruments
MIT consists of the following instruments:
R&D cooperation projects: an SME can apply for subsidy for the development or redevelopment of products, production processes or services in cooperation with another SME. For these projects 35% of the eligible costs are reimbursed to a maximum of € 200,000.
Feasibility project: a project to ascertain the technical and economical risks of intended innovation. Applications are handled with the 'first come, first serve' principle. De subsidy amounts 40% of the eligible costs with a maximum of € 20,000.
Knowledge voucher: an SME becomes a voucher with which it can pose a knowledge question to a knowledge institution. The maximum value of the voucher is € 3,750.
MIT subsidy applications
Subsidy for a feasibility study and for a knowledge voucher can be applied for as from April 7th 9AM until September 10th 5PM. Applications for these instruments are handled first com, first serve. If you consider an application for a feasibility study it is wise to file your application on April 7th. In the previous years each time the budget was exhausted on the first day.
Applications for R&D cooperation can be filed from June 11th 9AM until September 10th 5PM. The instrument is a tender, which means that after closure of the application period all applications are rated and the fittest will be granted.
What role can Vectrix play at this?
Vectrix takes as much work off your hands as possible and prepares and files the application for the various MIT instruments at RVO. If you want to know whether your project qualifies for MIT, please contact us.
Vectrix serves hundreds of companies in the Netherlands and we have over 20 years of experience! Our consultants are fully experienced and always offer a direct and personal contact.